Black Mages get Shantotto's Noblewoman's Laugh. Similar to the idle battle stances from above, some victory poses and battle stances emotes introduced in 3.2 are shoutouts to past FF characters:. Male Gunbreaker: Squall, female Gunbreaker: Lightning their battle stance is Seifer's. Male Dark Knight: Cloud the battle stance, meanwhile, is Cecil's. Male Dragoon: Kain, Female Dragoon: Fang. Male Paladin: Cecil, female Paladin: Lightning. A good handful of them are borrowed from protagonists famous for their class or weapon. 2.3 added class-unique idle animations when a character has their weapon out. Eorzea wasn't the only one that also went through a similar experience. The Warriors of Light in the main story are described as faceless beings shrouded in light that saved Eorzra from destruction, but no one can remember who they were or even remember how they were saved. And at the end, he does succeed in doing just that, just long enough to say goodbye. The Alchemists' Guild quest line centers around the guildmaster and his attempts to bring his lost lover back to life, not unlike a certain treasure hunter. The Immortal Flames and Twin Serpents are named after the Immortal Lions and the Serpent Generals. #FFXIV CALCA MINION GENERATOR#
The random name generator for Hyur will suggest surnames of past Final Fantasy protagonists, such as Strife, Fair, Branford and Farron. in this case, he wields the Final Fantasy XI versions of Hauteclaire and Ridill swords. Also during the 2nd fight, Gilgamesh once again wields weapons that appeared in previous Final Fantasy games. While it's in reference to a moment in the Stormblood Hildibrand quests, male player characters can certainly dress like ladies to fit the bill. He even does this yet again on the third battle with him in Kugane, except he genderflips the last part into "men who dress like ladies". What makes the line even more hilarious is female player characters can wear certain gear that makes them look more fitting on a male, making Gilgamesh's taunt ring true. The second time you fight Gilgamesh and he initiates his iconic multi-arm form, he'll drop his famous "And now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men!" line. Gilgamesh will also inflict Mini, Confusion, and Toad on the party, a nod to the standard debuffs used in the older Final Fantasy titles. In fact, many of Gilgamesh's lines in this game are taken or paraphrased from his place of origin.
He even verbatim quotes his exact same lines from V as he does it.
During the first phase of his fight, Gilgamesh will pull the exact same I Surrender, Suckers that he pulled in Final Fantasy V by begging for mercy, buffing himself, then ambushing the tank with Jump.Hamon's story is a lot less of a Tear-Jerker than Tellah's was. Several of the Pugilist class quests have guildmaster Hamon 'Holyfist' that shares several parallels with Tellah the Sage from Final Fantasy IV in that both are crippled by their age and recover their memories.This isn't the first time we've had a Cid named Marque(s/z). When he's an amnesiac, he goes by the name Marques.
One Miqo'te says that she always imagined Cid Garlond would be " older, and shorter.The Echo's ability to dive into someone else's memory is markedly similar to Ellone's powers.Goblins, Qiqirn, and Mamool Ja likewise share the same appearance and tendencies as the beastmen in XI.And they use Gunblades and variants such as a Gunhalberd. Other than the obvious fact that the game's races are based on Final Fantasy XI's, the Garlean Legatus look dangerously similar to Judges.